
“Certified Organic” versus “All Natural” Foods -- There is a Difference

             Some people say there is no big difference between products labeled “All Natural” and those with "USDA Certified Organic" labeling.  They couldn't be more wrong.  The benefits of buying certified organic foods versus those labeled “All Natural” is truly great and is very important to your health and the health of your family.

    Part of being a conscious consumer is knowing the difference between products, products that APPEAR to be just as good as each other but when you look carefully, they really aren't the same.  Being conscious of the differences -- being guaranteed  and not being guaranteed -- will make a difference to your health.  Not all “All Natural Products”  or “Farm Fresh” have bad stuff in them … but given the regulations and strict certification of organic products, you just can’t know.  There is NO guessing game with Certified Organic.  Buying Certified Organic means you don’t have to wonder if this product really is “All natural” or if it has some stuff in it that you really don’t want to give to your family…   And all the things that are important to you and your family are equally important to the families of those raising these products, and the earth that these crops are grown in.  Part of that consciousness is that not only is your family safe, but their family is safe and the earth we all rely on has been well taken care of because you supported Organic.

Here’s some differences to consider:

THERE ARE required certifications for using the claim and mandatory yearly inspections to verify that:

1: NO toxic pesticides and herbicides are used

2: NO GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are used

3: NO Antibiotics are used

4: NO growth hormones are used

5: NO sewage sludge and irradiation is used

6: THERE ARE animal welfare requirements

7: THERE ARE lower levels of environmental pollution

8: THERE ARE audit trails from farm to table

   The “All Natural” label cannot guarantee any of the above as none of the following is regulated under the All Natural label. THERE IS NOT a certifying agency for using this claim and the following practices so the following practices are all allowed:

1: THERE ARE toxic pesticides and herbicides allowed

2: THERE ARE (genetically modified organisms) allowed

3: THERE ARE Antibiotics allowed

4: THERE ARE growth hormones allowed

5: THERE ARE no standards for use of sewage sludge and irradiation

6: THERE ARE higher levels of environmental pollution than organic

7: NO animal welfare requirements

8: NO audit trails from farm to table … who knows where it’s been, how it was stored (or stored with or in or with what environmental controls), etc.

    Is it really worth it to take chances with your health and that of your family?  No, not at all!  And  Yes, “Certified Organic”  usually costs a bit more.  And it’s worth it!